Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Christmas Tree!

I don't like these boots - they are too big and I can't walk!!!

The perfect tree 


Grandma cuddles - so cold out!

Helping dad decorate.


Just the right place for the ornament to go!

Kicking Back!

Nothing like a good book!


Grant and Paige - looking for squirrels, birds, and cars - what fun!


Mmmmm!  Peanut butter and jelly!

Monday, November 12, 2012

First Hair Cut!

I would love to share that we sat still and quiet while the lady cut our hair, but the opposite would be more like it.  We said "no" to sitting in the airplane chair (even though it was quite cool - lots of buttons to push), we cried - screamed when she touched our hair and even a sucker and Elmo video was not enough to distract from the quick trim.  All said, the place (Whipper Snippers) and the lady who trimmed her hair were wonderful, Paige just wanted nothing to do with the whole event.  I have no pictures to share from the place due to the scene we created there, but here are some pictures from our photo shoot back at home. Look - little bangs!

Friday, November 2, 2012

P is for Peacock!

Paige was a peacock for Halloween.  She loved walking around outside and carrying her "pumpkin purse".  Her only complaint was when people tried to give her candy to put in her purse - candy does not go in purses!  Candy is fun to hold for seconds and then return to the candy bowl where it came from. . . oh well . . . no candy for mom or dad this year.

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Pumpkin Patch!

We went to the pumpkin patch after church, before the rain comes.  It was the perfect fall day!  Paige took 7 adoring adults with her.  We got to ride on the tractor out to the pumpkin patch and back.  She was all smiles as she walked around touching, tapping, and sitting on the pumpkins.

October Days!

It is Beaver season around here. . . Paige has been enjoying the orange and black. . . Halloween decorations came out and pumpkins are a big hit.  So it the new doll.

Monday Buddies!

Every Monday Paige and I get to play with my teaching partner's son, Grant.  We have the best time playing together, going for walks, and we get to have breakfast and lunch together.  The expressions on their faces is priceless as they check each other out!  Enjoy the cuteness!

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Walking! - ("For Real" - Kyle says)

Last night just before Kyle got home, Paige starting doing "hot laps" around the house.  I hoped she would keep going for him . . . well  . . . she did and she hasn't stopped since.  She is so proud of herself as she walks all around the house.  Kyle took this video today.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012


Paige finally decided walking wasn't so scary . . . in fact . . . kind of fun!  She is taking lots of steps, but still finds crawling to be the fastest way to get around!  It is fun to watch her feel so proud of herself as she learns new things.

Thursday, August 30, 2012

August Fun!

Paige has been enjoying all the sunshine and summer fun.  She got her first farm fresh corn - a new favorite - and a day trip to the beach.  Seagulls are very interesting and fun to chase.  Too bad we could never catch one!  She is getting close to walking.  She stands up all by herself and smiles a big "I'm so proud of me" grin.