Tuesday, June 26, 2012

All by Myself!

Paige started feeding herself with her spoon yesterday.  This is her second meal practicing and she is getting really quick at it.  She is having Pea Risotto.  Food is a good motivator!  (Kyle is impressed by the speed as she hands it back to me.  The clicking sound you hear is her feet kicking at her seat. When she gets excited she kicks them.)

Monday, June 18, 2012

10 Months!

10 months!  She is so aware of everything around her.  It is so fun to watch her process all she sees.  We are amazed everyday by what she can do and how she communicates.  Here are a few pictures - hard to get now that we are so aware and mobile.


Here is our little crawler. . . she is pretty timid and doesn't want to let her leg out from under her so she can sit up quickly!


While watching Kyle work on his quads Paige and I began to notice a big swarm of bees moving toward our front yard.  After getting Kyle in the house, we watched them fly over the house and into the backyard where they landed and made a home in our tree.  We called a local beekeeper who came to get them the next day.  Here is some videos of them swarming, pictures of the swarm in the tree, and video of him removing them.  It was so amazing to watch nature at work!

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Helping Dad!

We are working on a new patio in the backyard.  Paige has been supervising Dad's hard work and playing in the dirt and rocks.

Sitting Up!

I walked in to get Paige from nap time and what do I see?  So glad we put the crib down last week!

Road Trip!

We took Paige to Alturas to visit Kyle's Grandparents.  We had a great family weekend.  Here are some pictures from our time at the wildlife refuge.
Hiking with Dad.

Big Snake - Yikes!

So interested in the birds and ducks.

Loving the ride!

4 generations!

Friday, June 1, 2012


Here is Paige walking with the walker.  Look out world. . . we are ready to race grandma!