Friday, March 28, 2014

First Bites!

Hannah finally reached the first bites milestone.  It is a little bittersweet for me knowing that she is already big enough to be starting "real" food.  She has had oatmeal the past three days and eats more and more each day.  I think we will start on sweet potatoes tomorrow.  I love watching their little tongues work overtime to get the food to move in the right direction.  As you can see in some pictures, Hannah's little tongue often makes the food come back out her little mouth!  Ahhh ... the fun of first bites!

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Evie's B-day!

Paige's cousin Evelyn celebrated her 2nd birthday.  This was the first time Paige was really excited about going to a birthday party.  They had a great beach themed party!  So fun to celebrate with all of our "cousins", "aunites and uncles", and "grandmas and grandpas"!!!

Good morning raga-muffins!

"So sparkly"

Birthday Star

Fishing for snacks - yumm!

Cardboard boxes are the best!

Sand and shells

Just like the beach!

5 Months Old!

Hannah has reached the 5 month mark!  She is such a happy, content baby.  She loves to be held and likes to watch Paige.  She has started to interact with her and will laugh when Paige plays peek-a-boo with her.  It is wonderful to watch!  She is growing and changing everyday.  She is starting to play with toys.  Paige and I cheer for her in the car when we hear her ducky toy move up and down.  Hannah just rolled over from her tummy to her back the other day.  It continues to happen, but it surprises her as much as it surprises us.