Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Christmas Family Fun!

Williams family picture.  Takes a lot of pictures to get one that looks good! 
Our little family!

The Mellingers - love that little Emily - too cute!

The red bow matched perfectly!

Lunch with Grandma and Grandpa - yumm!

Holland Family Picture

Christmas Dress - Thanks Grandma and Grandpa - I look adorable!

4 Months Old!

Paige is really starting to move around.  She is rolling from side to side and tummy to back.  She has lots of cute smiles to share.  We are having fun watching her discover her world.

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Christmas Hat!

Paige is looking cute in her new hat (thanks Aunt Janet)!  She was the talk of church with her candy cane striped pants and festive hat.

P.S.  Don't you love that she is sitting up in this picture!

Friday, December 9, 2011

Happy Girl!

This last picture makes me laugh!  What an expression.  Paige has really started to smile and talk more.  I took her to watch Kyle play basketball last weekend.  She was so interested in the men running and the ball bouncing.  She started by talking softly at the beginning, but by the end she was almost shouting.  There may be some sports in her future???

New Swing!

Paige got a new swing from her Great-grandparents.  She was not sure about it at first, but now she loves it!  What fun to go back and forth, listen to music, look in a mirror, and watch animals spin above her head.  What is not to love?


Paige helping with the Christmas tree lights?
She loves the tree!


One of my students last year made this blanket for Paige.  She is enjoying the textures of the different ribbons around the edges.  Thanks MacKenzie!!!


Paige has been loving this book - even turning the pages!

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Christmas Tree Hunting!

 We found the perfect tree for Paige's first Christmas.  She is enjoying touching the needles and staring at the colorful lights.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Daddy Time!

Am I standing all by myself? 
Are we having fun yet?
Do I like this?

3 Months!

 What a big girl!  We have been enjoying Paige so much.  She is talking, cooing, and smiling a lot.  We occasionally get a laugh out of her.  She is a mover and shaker always got her legs kicking and hands waving.  We adore this little brown-haired girl!

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Little Chef!

Paige has recently decided that facing out is way more exciting - so many things to see.  We have started cooking together.  It is so nice to cook with two hands again.

Roll Over!

Paige had her first roll over today from tummy time to back time!  I think it surprised us both.  We put her back up on her tummy and watched her roll three more times.  What fun to learn something new!

Happy Halloween!

First Halloween - Beaver Cheerleader. . . Dad's idea, Mom made the tutu.  Pretty cute!

Ready to go trick-or-treating!

Game Day!

Paige was ready for the Beaver game all the way down to the Beaver socks.  Dad suggested the bow in her hair!  Go Beavs!

Emily Time!

I did not get a lot of pictures from North Carolina.  We had our hands busy with the two cute girls.  When one was happy, the other was sad.  When one was wet, the other was dry.  When one was full, the other was hungry.  It was so much fun to be around Heather, Matt, and Emily.  Here is a picture of Grandma and the girls (one happy, the other sad).
Cousin Emily!  What a cutie!!!

Friday, October 21, 2011

First Flight!

We took our first flight together to North Carolina to visit Auntie Heather, Uncle Matt, and Cousin Emily!  Grandma helped us fly East and we made it back by ourselves.  Paige is a great little traveler.  We had a great visit and will post pictures soon.


Love this little face!

2 Months!

Two months and we are so happy about it!  Paige is really starting to smile more with each day.  It is so fun to see what makes her grin.  She is so much more alert and loves to make new friends everywhere she goes.  Kyle and I are enjoying each day watching her grow and change.

Monday, October 10, 2011

Balancing Baby!

 We are getting so strong!  Look at Dad holding me up with one hand.  Yikes . . . don't drop me!

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Love It!

I just took this picture yesterday and fell in love with it!  She is growing and changing so quickly.  Thanks for the adorable, sparkly, rhinestone clip Megan . . . it is too cute!

Surprise Shower!

While we were in Sacramento, Kyle's Aunt Janet threw a surprise shower for Paige!  It was the first shower she ever attended and she had tons of fun being passed around the room from arm to arm.  (After all, arms are the best place for napping!)  We had a lot of fun visiting with family and friends that we don't ever get to see enough and were spoiled with beautiful handmade items and cute clothes!

 jeans (Levi 501's) in this picture were given to Kyle on his first Christmas by Aunt Janet (pictured in the middle).  After Kyle got a lot of use out of them they were passed to his brother and then two cousins.  His Aunt Shannon gave them to Paige so soon we can keep the family tradition going.  We just need to grow a little more!!!


Paige got to make the big trip to Sacramento with Mom, Dad, Uncle Casey and Grandma Rhonda.  We got to stay with Kyle's Aunt Shannon, Uncle Joel, Cousins Leslee and Joe, and see Cousin Ericka.  Paige and I had a wonderful visit with everyone while Kyle got to try out a new jeep trail, Fordyce.  Not only did we enjoy hanging out around the house, but we even got to spend a day exploring Apple Hill.   Paige was amazing as we took her in and out of the car, stroller, and front-pack carrier.  As you can see she adores her Dad's cousins (and Auntie too!).

Bath Time!

 Paige is finally getting more used to the shock of bath time.  It was no fun the first few times getting unwrapped from the blanket, undressed, and thrown into this new thing called "water".  I will not go as far to say she is enjoying bath time, but she is more content to sit in the water and look around at all of the new things.
It is so fun to see all of her curls when she gets out of the bath.  I can't wait until I can add a little mousse and style away!

Thursday, September 15, 2011

We made it to one month!  This was a big day for all of us.  First time I left her to go to work for a few hours, first time dad watched her by himself, first time dad changed a diaper (yeah!!!), and the second time she tried a bottle (we had to practice Monday to make sure it would all go smoothly when I was gone).  Sure enough, Paige and dad had a great time without me.  They went to work on a friend's jeep and got to hang out in the garage together.  I made it through a successful back-to-school night and only had a few tears in my eyes as I left.  The first time I have not been with my little friend for a month - wow!
Paige continues to get bigger and more alert.  We are enjoying watching her focus on things and start to practice her smiles.  We can hardly wait for the real ones to come!

Monday, September 12, 2011

First Camping Trip!

So we might not be quite ready to go wheeling with Dad, but we were able to go camping with him and all of our friends.  Paige did great camping near Mt. Rainer last weekend at 3 weeks old.  She even got to meet some new friends who were showing her how to crawl, walk, and talk.  (Thanks Mason, Katie, and Emily.)  Just give her a few more weeks and I think she will have it all mastered!

3 Weeks!

They say time flies by when you have kids.  Now I get it . . . and she is only 3 weeks old.  It is amazing how much she has grown and changed already.  She is getting so strong moving her head, arms, and legs around.  She is also more alert during the day.  It has been so much fun to watch her figure out her new world!

Monday, September 5, 2011

Great Grandparents!

While in Sunriver, Paige got to meet her Great Grandma Marlene and Great Grandpa Lee.  What fun to introduce her to her family!  We had a wonderful time visiting with them!