Thursday, September 15, 2011

We made it to one month!  This was a big day for all of us.  First time I left her to go to work for a few hours, first time dad watched her by himself, first time dad changed a diaper (yeah!!!), and the second time she tried a bottle (we had to practice Monday to make sure it would all go smoothly when I was gone).  Sure enough, Paige and dad had a great time without me.  They went to work on a friend's jeep and got to hang out in the garage together.  I made it through a successful back-to-school night and only had a few tears in my eyes as I left.  The first time I have not been with my little friend for a month - wow!
Paige continues to get bigger and more alert.  We are enjoying watching her focus on things and start to practice her smiles.  We can hardly wait for the real ones to come!

Monday, September 12, 2011

First Camping Trip!

So we might not be quite ready to go wheeling with Dad, but we were able to go camping with him and all of our friends.  Paige did great camping near Mt. Rainer last weekend at 3 weeks old.  She even got to meet some new friends who were showing her how to crawl, walk, and talk.  (Thanks Mason, Katie, and Emily.)  Just give her a few more weeks and I think she will have it all mastered!

3 Weeks!

They say time flies by when you have kids.  Now I get it . . . and she is only 3 weeks old.  It is amazing how much she has grown and changed already.  She is getting so strong moving her head, arms, and legs around.  She is also more alert during the day.  It has been so much fun to watch her figure out her new world!

Monday, September 5, 2011

Great Grandparents!

While in Sunriver, Paige got to meet her Great Grandma Marlene and Great Grandpa Lee.  What fun to introduce her to her family!  We had a wonderful time visiting with them!


We had our first trip with Paige!  We got to go along with "Uncle Casey" and "Aunt Nicole" to Sunriver for Labor Day weekend.  We had a great time walking, eating out, hanging by the pool, and golfing.  

2 Weeks!

We went to Paige's 2 week appointment.  She was 8 pounds, 7 ounces and 21 inches long.  She is growing so quickly and becoming so strong.  It is amazing to watch how fast they change!